very IRL object or interaction will eventually be innovated upon using technology, even human beings themselves. Well, at least many will try. Wherever a human appears in digital entertainment, a virtual counterpart will someday supplement, compete, or exist in harmony with human beings.
A major area of human-centric entertainment facing potential disruption by virtual characters is the ancient music industry.
Independent, talented indie artists, like Teflon Sega, and massive groups, like Riot Games, are constructing virtual beings as the face of tomorrow’s celebrity music artists. These virtual characters captivate fans in more visual ways and reach new levels of connection with anime, gaming, and sci-fi interested fandoms.
Today, I had the opportunity to meet one of these new, innovative virtual artists… a woman with cat ears and short brown hair named Lechat! Lechat is the product of a creative collective effort and a passion for innovation in the music industry.

Speaking with her personally, I got to know all about her 3M+ fans across TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram who love her song and dance covers of popular K-Pop songs, as well as her unique fashion sense. She also tends to upload comedic shorts and parody videos referencing pop culture moments.
You may recognize her likeness to the virtual music artist APOKI. That’s because she’s a sibling creation from the same group, also managed by A-Fun Interactive.
When she’s not rehearsing new choreography, Lechat is obsessed with keeping her apartment clean in her free time, even going so far as to order special dusters from planet Earth! She loves unboxing her online orders on livestream and getting Earth product recommendations from her fans.
Today, I took a ride through space to meet up with Lechat in her hometown of M-City, where we chatted about her career, YouTube, and dreams for the future. Enjoy!
[Christopher] Hi Lechat! It’s great to meet you. I have been looking forward to this. What are you up to today?
It’s so lovely to meet you, too! You are the very first person from Earth to visit my home! This is amazing! I’m surprised you didn’t mind the Soomsoomzip ride over. I should invite my friends more often then. I’ve always thought it would be a challenging ride for guests! Anyhow, welcome to my place!

I love everything you share online—I am a huge fan! What first got you into creating song and dance covers?
At first, my friends would catch me singing and dancing while I was tidying up my house. I like to keep my house very clean!
They thought it would be a great idea to upload those moments on YouTube and TikTok. Earthly things always had a special place in my heart. I’ve always enjoyed watching trending videos online, and so naturally I ended up creating them myself as well.
How long does it take you to learn and film a new dance? Do you ever have trouble remembering the choreography?
If it’s a newly released song, it takes me about two weeks. It takes a bit long because I like to spend some time getting familiarized. If I already know the song, it only takes me a week or so! But, I feel like I have more difficulty memorizing lyrics than the choreography.
3 million followers on TikTok is impressive! What do you think your fans like the most about your content?
I had absolutely no idea it would reach that many followers so quickly! I originally began uploading mainly dance videos and it seems like it’s also my followers’ favorites, too. Many of my followers are curious as to how I’m able to catch on trends and upload so quickly! I think it’s also because they don’t expect someone from so far away, from M-City, to hop on trends that are from Earth.
Let’s talk about inspiration... Who inspires you the most in life?
I love watching other creators work. Usually, I would get inspired by their content and even during my daily life routines. For instance, if I ended up making a really nice breakfast one morning, I would come up with ideas of what other cooking content I could upload.
I can have an amazing day with a friend and write that memory into lyrics, too. There’s so many talented creators out on Earth, and they inspire me every single day.
What’s something most people don’t realize about life as a famous influencer?
Hmm... Maybe the fact that our lives aren’t that different from our followers? I’m not so sure. Honestly, I can’t seem to tell how different our lives can be. Many people from M-City don't seem to recognize me on the streets. Maybe I can experience something different when I visit Earth! I would love to bump into my fans in the middle of Earth!

I see you covered a song by APOKI on your channel. So, you two are friends? We are!
Yes! I’ve seen your interview with APOKI! I’m such a huge fan of hers! I completely fell in love with her new single, so I had to enter her contest! She recently mentioned my cover during her livestream and I couldn’t believe it! We’ve never met, but I would love to hang out with her one day.
What would you say is your ultimate goal for your career?
Ultimate goal… Hmm... Possibly opening a fan meet here in M-City? I love my fans so much. I would love for an opportunity to show them around M-City. I should totally be their tour guide when it happens! Haha! Oh, and also, I can't forget about releasing my own music. Hopefully sometime soon!

Do you have any upcoming projects you can share with me? Any leaks?
It’s still a beginning phase, but I’ve been writing my own songs! Maybe our next interview can be about that album? Haha!
If your top fans were reading this, what one, single thing would you like them to know about you?
I would like to take this chance to tell them that I think about them all the time! I could spend all day long reading comments and support from them. I’m still learning languages of Earth, so my replies might be a bit slow, but I’m working on it! I would like to thank them for the unconditional love and that I promise to work harder to upload their cover requests!

Finally, I love to ask everyone I interview this question — Who are you, Lechat?
That would take me forever to figure it out. I’m still trying to find out what I like, what I don’t like, and I’ve been enjoying every single ride of it! It's like when you are living your life and randomly find out what makes you happy. Although at times, I would bump into things I do not wish to bump into again! Haha!
I like to rewatch some of my videos to study which colors suit me the best, which outfit seems to look best on me and such! I’m slowly building my own “book.” I’m sure this would take me forever. Hahaha!
Thanks so much Lechat!