oday, I met a curious virtual influencer by the name of John Pork. This pigman has a rabid fan base of 13,500+ followers on Instagram with hundreds more spanning a dedicated Discord server, a TikTok, and a well-populated fan art page.
John is no ordinary virtual pigman (not that there is such a thing). His presence attracts real, underground social fandom and inspires many along the way; his fans practically worship the ground he walks on and celebrate his every move. Seriously.
You may be asking yourself “How?” or “Why?” Well, today I set out to answer these questions, and more, by speaking with the legendary Mr. Pork himself in this first-ever public interview. Enjoy!

Hey John—thrilled to meet you. Tell me, what’s a day in the life of John Pork?
Hi, Christopher—thanks for having me! A day in the life for me can be many things, but it’s never boring! Traveling the world and making new friends is my absolute passion.
When I’m not on the go, I enjoy my free time just like anybody else. I love a good movie night with some friends, especially if it’s a rom-com (I’m just a hopeless romantic 😄), and I’m always down for some pub trivia. If it weren’t for my many travels, I’d be helpless.
I also love to dance, cook, stargaze, play some music, and show off my great sense of style. I’ve even had some custom threads made for me—I’m thinking of starting my own official clothing brand… 🤔
Plus, I spend a lot of time with my little dog. He was just a stray when I rescued him off of the streets of Pamplona—during the Running of the Bulls! But he’s not helpless, he’s actually a bit scrappy. I think he thought he could take on the bulls himself. Maybe I’ll show a picture of him on my profile one of these days!
That's quite the life! You have 15,000+ fans across social media, with many regularly referring to you as “the greatest of all time” and “legend.” How did you attract such a loving fan base? Why do you think they are so obsessed?
I mean, what’s not to love? The camera loves me! 😎🤪
Just kidding 😄 Honestly, I’m so surprised and appreciative of all of my new friends. They’re the real legends! I’m just someone who likes to express themselves and spread some good vibes. I hope to stay true to myself and share my experiences on this crazy adventure — and I think the people out there can see that! My new friends and I have formed such a special connection. Reading their comments keeps me going, and hearing their appreciation when I reply or like their comments keeps them going! It’s a good vibes circle.
In the smallest way, I hope I’ve inspired them to be true to who they are, and to spread a few good vibes in this world!

In your eyes, what makes someone a “legend”?
Legends radiate good vibes! A legend is anyone who makes a positive impact—just by being themselves. Bringing happiness to others, making a friend, sharing a laugh, and caring about the people around you makes you a real legend. Having fun along the way makes you the most legendary!
Speaking of your fans, what’s your favorite piece of fan art?
Oh man, they are all amazing! Huge shoutout to all of my incredible JP artists out there! One of my favorite pieces is this lovely black and white portrait from Trinity Violette:

I also love this fresh style from @_parawa_ and this crazy awesome one from @catedexterr!
What’s the most interesting message a fan has sent you?
Not going to lie, my new friends are wild! They support the JP GV train (that’s the “John Pork Good Vibes” train) with such passion, I’m completely blown away. Someone once wrote me this gem:
"I stared intently at your last post for 13 hours until I was forced to eventually blink. At which point I broke into tears over not seeing you for even a fraction of a second."
That’s a good vibe power surge! Shoutout @connorpaladino, love you mate!
If one of your fans were to read this interview, what advice would you share?
First of all, thank you for being you! The world would be one good vibe short without you, and that’s one good vibe too many. You’re awesome, don’t ever forget it!
What gave you the idea to start sharing on Instagram in the first place?
I love to travel and document my trips, so I thought I would fully go for it with my Instagram page. But honestly? I saw it as a challenge to do something a little different. I don’t exactly look like a “typical” Instagram influencer. But, being different shouldn’t stop you from doing what you want to do! I’m so glad I realized that, because the reaction from my new friends has been absolutely amazing! If I wasn’t different and being true to myself, I don’t think I would have so many incredible supporters to spread good vibes with!

What is your favorite social media platform today, and why?
Believe it or not, I’m still pretty new to the social media world. So forgive me if I’m still getting the hang of it! I love Instagram, sharing my journey through the snapshots of my life is so cool. I think TikTok looks super fun, as well! I’ll have to post on there more...
What’s your vision for the future?
Lately I discovered something called virtual influencers, are you familiar? 😉 I’m really interested in the role virtual influencers will play in our lifetime. That’s why, recently, I became involved with an amazing project called Bytetribe.
Bytetribe is a collection of incredibly talented people working to expand the status and awareness of virtual influencers through social media, VR, and more platforms. It’s too early for any predictions, but I know these guys are going to show you some great things in the future! You’ll just have to stay tuned and check their Instagram page @bytetribe.
What’s a common misconception people make about you?
Some people think I’m related to Peppa Pig. I definitely am not! We’re just good family friends. Could you see me jumping into a muddy puddle? I have to keep my ‘fits clean!

Who do you look up to?
I look up to dreamers and visionaries, people who challenge the status quo and create worlds. Jim Henson is a big favorite! Although, truth be told, I’m not the biggest fan of Miss Piggy. Her character hits too close to home! Not a good vibe!
Last question for you—who are you, John Pork?
I’m still trying to figure that out — I’ll let you know! Just expect some good vibes along the way. 😄
Thank you for your time!
Thanks so much!
If you want to keep up with John’s life, find his social media profiles here!