About The VTuber

About The Virtual Influencer

Instagram Bio

Anak alien HololiveID 🤟Cinta gambar dan bumi dan Mitsuki-Mama ❤️ Multilingual Vtuber ❤️ Fanart #ioarts Meme #iomemes Art Tuto #iorials FANS #IOFORIA

Identifies as


First Appearance

December 4, 2020

Originally From


More info

Airani Iofifteen, a female Indonesian VTuber, is a delightful addition to the Hololive family. With a background in art and a major in VCD, Iofi showcases her creative skills and knowledge of Indonesian culture through her streams. She is known for her cheerful and open personality, often engaging in calm and "comfy" chats with her viewers. Iofi's comedic side shines through as she playfully interacts with her fans and fellow VTubers. Her collaborations with other Hololive members, such as Moona and Risu, are highly anticipated and enjoyed by fans. Iofi's love for gacha games and her supportive nature make her a cherished member of the Hololive ID branch. With her multilingual abilities and passion for connecting with others, Iofi has become a beloved figure in the virtual influencer community.